
Alexander V. Ryzhkov and Dusan S. Zrnic
Springer, 2019
This monograph offers a wide array of contemporary information on weather radar polarimetry and its applications. The book tightly connects the microphysical processes responsible for the development and evolution of the clouds' bulk physical properties to the polarimetric variables, and contains the procedures on how to simulate realistic polarimetric variables. With up-to-date polarimetric methodologies and applications, the book will appeal to practicing radar meteorologists, hydrologists, microphysicists, and modelers who are interested in the bulk properties of hydrometeors and quantification of these with the goals to improve precipitation measurements, understanding of precipitation processes, or model forecasts.
Available in Amazon

Yong Hong, Yu Zhang and Sadiq Ibrahim Khan
CRC Press, 2016
Environmental remote sensing plays a critical role in observing key hydrological components such as precipitation, soil moisture, evapotranspiration and total water storage on a global scale. As water security is one of the most critical issues in the world, satellite remote sensing techniques are of particular importance for emerging regions which have inadequate in-situ gauge observations. This book reviews multiple remote sensing observations, the application of remote sensing in hydrological modeling, data assimilation and hydrological capacity building in emerging regions.
Available in Amazon

Wayne Hocking, Jurgen Rottger, Robert Palmer, Toru Sato, Phillip Chilson
Cambridge Press, 2016
Richly illustrated, and including both an extensive bibliography and index, this indispensable guide brings together the theory, design, and applications of atmospheric radar. It explains the basic thermodynamics and dynamics of the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere, and discusses the physical and engineering principles behind one of the key tools used to study these regions - MST radars. Key topics covered include antennas, signal propagation, and signal processing techniques. A wide range of practical applications are discussed, including the use of atmospheric radar to study wind profiles, tropospheric temperature, and gravity waves. A detailed overview of radar designs provides a wealth of knowledge and tools, providing readers with a strong basis for building their own instruments. This is an essential resource for graduate students and researchers working in the areas of radar engineering, remote sensing, meteorology, and atmospheric physics, as well as for practitioners in the radar industry.
Available in Amazon

Guifu Zhang
CRC Press, 2016
This book presents the fundamentals of polarimetric radar remote sensing through understanding wave scattering and propagation in geophysical media filled with hydrometers and other objects. The text characterizes the physical, statistical, and electromagnetic properties of hydrometers and establishes the relations between radar observables and physical state parameters. It introduces advanced remote sensing techniques (such as polarimetric phased array radar) and retrieval methods for physical parameters. The book also illustrates applications of polarimetric radar measurements in hydrometer classification, particle size distribution retrievals, microphysical parameterization, and weather quantification and forecast.
Available in Amazon

Yang Hong, J. J. Gourley
CRC Press, 2015
Radar Hydrology: Principles, Models, and Applications provides graduate students, operational forecasters, and researchers with a theoretical framework and practical knowledge of radar precipitation estimation. The only text on the market solely devoted to radar hydrology, this comprehensive reference:
- Begins with a brief introduction to radar
- Focuses on the processing of radar data to arrive at accurate estimates of rainfall
- Addresses advanced radar sensing principles and applications
- Covers radar technologies for observing each component of the hydrologic cycle
- Examines state-of-the-art hydrologic models and their inputs, parameters, state variables, calibration procedures, and outputs
- Discusses contemporary approaches in data assimilation
- Concludes with methods, case studies, and prediction system design
- Includes downloadable MATLABĀ® content
Available in Amazon

25 May 2021
Conveners: David Bodine (chair), Robert Palmer, Pierre Kirstetter, Tian-You Yu, Mark Yeary, and Caleb Fulton
Breakout Session Moderators: Robin Tanamachi, Pavlos Kollias, Pierre Kirstetter, Larry Carey, Matthew Kumjian, Jana Houser, Michael French, Robert Palmer, Dusan Zrnic, Xuguang Wang, Tian-You Yu, Addison Alford, Allison LaFleur, Stephen Frasier, Jorge Salazar, Caleb Fulton, Casey Griffin, Matt McCord, Angela Rowe, Sebastian Torres, Scott Collis, Jim Kurdzo, Daphne LaDue
Lightning Round Speakers: Pavlos Kollias, Toru Adachi, Casey Griffin, Stephen Nesbitt, Pamela Heinselman, Mark Weber, Alan Shapiro
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