Radar and instrumentation curriculum

General Philosophy and Goals
Our over-arching goal is to provide University of Oklahoma (OU) students the most comprehensive educational experience in radar, applied electromagnetics, electronic warfare, atmospheric science, and remote sensing in the world. This is accomplished by creating a synergistic curriculum exploiting the complementary disciplines of meteorology, electrical and computing engineering, and system-level thinking. Faculty from multiple departments teach courses with guest lectures from nationally-renowned scientists and engineers. Radar observations are used in many studies of the geophysical environment other than those directly related to the atmosphere. Applications exist in such diverse fields as entomology, agriculture, hydrology, urban planning, and oil exploration. With recent faculty hires who have research interests that focus on defense applications for radar, antennas, and high-frequency electronics, the overall program is expanding to an even broader scope.Course List
Electromagnetic Fields I
(ECE 3613)
(ECE 3613)
Instructor: Dr. C. Fulton and Dr. J. Ruyle
Pre-requisites: ECE 2723 and MATH 2443 or MATH 2934 and MATH 3133
Course Outline: Electromagnetic field theory is fundamental to almost all aspects of electrical engineering; this is especially true for circuit design/analysis, solid state physics, power electronics, RF and microwave engineering, radar, etc. This course provides conceptual, mathematical, and practical foundations for the underlying concepts, equations, field quantities, and boundary conditions, and will focus on building a basic understanding of how to solve complex electromagnetics problems that will appear in higher- level courses.
Pre-requisites: ECE 2723 and MATH 2443 or MATH 2934 and MATH 3133
Course Outline: Electromagnetic field theory is fundamental to almost all aspects of electrical engineering; this is especially true for circuit design/analysis, solid state physics, power electronics, RF and microwave engineering, radar, etc. This course provides conceptual, mathematical, and practical foundations for the underlying concepts, equations, field quantities, and boundary conditions, and will focus on building a basic understanding of how to solve complex electromagnetics problems that will appear in higher- level courses.
Computational Hydrology and Water Resource Systems
(ENGR 4510)
(ENGR 4510)
Instructor: Dr. Y. Hong
Pre-requisites: Senior or graduate standing, or by permission.
Course Outline: This course is designed for senior or graduate level students who are interested in pursuing hydrology major/minor to understand the role of water in our environment. This course will cover practical theory and modeling of hydrological processes in land-surface and atmosphere. Emphasis is placed on the application of quantitative methods to the analysis of interactions of hydrology, engineering, and socioeconomics in regional water resources systems.
Pre-requisites: Senior or graduate standing, or by permission.
Course Outline: This course is designed for senior or graduate level students who are interested in pursuing hydrology major/minor to understand the role of water in our environment. This course will cover practical theory and modeling of hydrological processes in land-surface and atmosphere. Emphasis is placed on the application of quantitative methods to the analysis of interactions of hydrology, engineering, and socioeconomics in regional water resources systems.
Radar Meteorology
(METR 4624)
(METR 4624)
Instructor: Dr. M. Biggerstaff
Pre-requisites: METR 3223, 3613 and MATH 3113 or 3413
Course Outline: This course develops quantitative relationships between the physical characteristics of targets illuminated by radar and the signals measured by radar. The capabilities and limitations of various radar designs are examined to determine their impact on applications. Treatment of Doppler principles, including interpretation of Doppler data, is provided. Polarimetric and phased array radar are introduced. Experience is gained in laboratory exercises.
Pre-requisites: METR 3223, 3613 and MATH 3113 or 3413
Course Outline: This course develops quantitative relationships between the physical characteristics of targets illuminated by radar and the signals measured by radar. The capabilities and limitations of various radar designs are examined to determine their impact on applications. Treatment of Doppler principles, including interpretation of Doppler data, is provided. Polarimetric and phased array radar are introduced. Experience is gained in laboratory exercises.
Adaptive Digital Signal and Array Processing
(ECE 4973/5283)
(ECE 4973/5283)
Instructor: Dr. M. Yeary
Pre-requisites: ECE 3793
Course Outline: In the classroom, the students will study the theory behind modern day adaptive digital signal and array processing. In particular, the gradient descent and the recursive least squares algorithms will be studied as a means to minimize various functions as a means of signal (information) extraction. Emphasis will be placed on theory, as well as real-time hardware design and practical processing of interesting radar data.
Pre-requisites: ECE 3793
Course Outline: In the classroom, the students will study the theory behind modern day adaptive digital signal and array processing. In particular, the gradient descent and the recursive least squares algorithms will be studied as a means to minimize various functions as a means of signal (information) extraction. Emphasis will be placed on theory, as well as real-time hardware design and practical processing of interesting radar data.
Random Signals
(ECE 5523)
(ECE 5523)
Instructor: Dr. T. Yu
Pre-requisites: ECE 3793, ISE 3293, or permission
Course Outline: Review of random variables; random vectors. Introduction to random processes; stationarity;ergodicity. Random signals into linear systems. Special processes; ARMA, Markov, Point, Gaussian. Review of parameter estimation. Estimation of random signal parameters.
Pre-requisites: ECE 3793, ISE 3293, or permission
Course Outline: Review of random variables; random vectors. Introduction to random processes; stationarity;ergodicity. Random signals into linear systems. Special processes; ARMA, Markov, Point, Gaussian. Review of parameter estimation. Estimation of random signal parameters.
Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering
(ECE 5643)
(ECE 5643)
Instructor: Dr. Y. Zhang
Pre-requisites: ECE 3613 and ECE 3713
Course Outline: RF and Microwave Engineering provides the circuit-treatment of electromagnetism and engineering training on wireless design. The goal of the course is to introduce the basic theory and skills for future RF-Microwave engineers focusing on circuits-systems that are critical to modern radar and wireless communications. The course mainly serves the increasing demand from RF and microwave industries, and intends to deliver both advanced theoretical tools and hands-on hardware experience.
Pre-requisites: ECE 3613 and ECE 3713
Course Outline: RF and Microwave Engineering provides the circuit-treatment of electromagnetism and engineering training on wireless design. The goal of the course is to introduce the basic theory and skills for future RF-Microwave engineers focusing on circuits-systems that are critical to modern radar and wireless communications. The course mainly serves the increasing demand from RF and microwave industries, and intends to deliver both advanced theoretical tools and hands-on hardware experience.
Digital Radar Systems
(ECE 4653/5653)
(ECE 4653/5653)
Instructor: Dr. M. Yeary
Pre-requisites: ECE 3793
Course Outline: This course begins with an overview of modern and next-generation radar systems, with an emphasis on the digital receiver and post processing that follows the RF front-end. Several off-the-shelf receiver case studies will be conducted, followed by hands-on design techniques. These will focus on analog-to-digital converter (ADC) selection followed by software defined radio (SDR) concepts for field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation, which includes Ethernet connectivity. Waveform design and scan strategies will be covered to render optimal hardware designs. Finally, I&Q data sets will be processed to determine spectral moments and to facilitate cognitive decision making. As time permits, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging concepts will be covered, especially for dual-pole data.
Pre-requisites: ECE 3793
Course Outline: This course begins with an overview of modern and next-generation radar systems, with an emphasis on the digital receiver and post processing that follows the RF front-end. Several off-the-shelf receiver case studies will be conducted, followed by hands-on design techniques. These will focus on analog-to-digital converter (ADC) selection followed by software defined radio (SDR) concepts for field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation, which includes Ethernet connectivity. Waveform design and scan strategies will be covered to render optimal hardware designs. Finally, I&Q data sets will be processed to determine spectral moments and to facilitate cognitive decision making. As time permits, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging concepts will be covered, especially for dual-pole data.
Radar Engineering
(METR/ECE 5663)
(METR/ECE 5663)
Instructor: Dr. T. Yu
Pre-requisites: Grade of C or better in ECE 3613, or permission
Course Outline: This course introduces radar fundamentals, radar system design and applications. Radar systems architecture and their functionality and limitations of subsystems will be discussed. Detection criteria and accuracy of radar measurements will be defined. Theories of radar detection and estimation in a noisy and clutter environment are examined. Existing technology and advanced techniques to improve radar performance are provided.
Pre-requisites: Grade of C or better in ECE 3613, or permission
Course Outline: This course introduces radar fundamentals, radar system design and applications. Radar systems architecture and their functionality and limitations of subsystems will be discussed. Detection criteria and accuracy of radar measurements will be defined. Theories of radar detection and estimation in a noisy and clutter environment are examined. Existing technology and advanced techniques to improve radar performance are provided.
Weather Radar Theory and Practice
(METR/ECE 5673)
(METR/ECE 5673)
Instructor: Dr. R. Palmer
Pre-requisites: Grade of C or better in MATH 3113, PHYS 2524, and graduate standing, or permission
Course Outline: This course offers you the practical theory behind Doppler weather radar. Introduction to electromagnetics, signal processing, and basic meteorology will be provided in hopes of encouraging a diverse group of students from engineering and meteorology. Students will work with data from some of the most sophisticated weather radars in the world, including the new OU-PRIME radar, CASA X-band radar, KOUN, and the Phased Array Radar.
Pre-requisites: Grade of C or better in MATH 3113, PHYS 2524, and graduate standing, or permission
Course Outline: This course offers you the practical theory behind Doppler weather radar. Introduction to electromagnetics, signal processing, and basic meteorology will be provided in hopes of encouraging a diverse group of students from engineering and meteorology. Students will work with data from some of the most sophisticated weather radars in the world, including the new OU-PRIME radar, CASA X-band radar, KOUN, and the Phased Array Radar.
Weather Radar Applications
(METR/ECE 5683)
(METR/ECE 5683)
Instructor: Dr. P. Chilson
Pre-requisites: Senior or Graduate standing
Course Outline: This course continues to build on the concepts that were presented in Weather Radar Theory and Practice. A variety of methods will be presented to assist the student in identifying meteorological structures using weather radars and the radar equation. The course presents quantitative precipitation estimation methods based on the radar reflectivity factor, attenuation, and dual-polarization observations. Students will also be introduced to the treatment of clear-air radar echoes and the retrieval of winds under non-precipitating conditions.
Pre-requisites: Senior or Graduate standing
Course Outline: This course continues to build on the concepts that were presented in Weather Radar Theory and Practice. A variety of methods will be presented to assist the student in identifying meteorological structures using weather radars and the radar equation. The course presents quantitative precipitation estimation methods based on the radar reflectivity factor, attenuation, and dual-polarization observations. Students will also be introduced to the treatment of clear-air radar echoes and the retrieval of winds under non-precipitating conditions.
(ECE 4973/5693)
(ECE 4973/5693)
Instructor: Dr. J. Ruyle
Pre-requisites: ECE 3613, ECE 3723, ECE 3793, and MATH 3113, or permission
Course Outline: Upon completion of this course, you will understand the basics of antenna theory and design. You will possess the knowledge, and understand the critical thinking processes necessary, to design, construct, and measure an antenna (including antenna designs not specifically covered in this course) to meet performance requirements for a system. By the end of this course, you should also be able to evaluate the validity of antenna measurement results and performance specifications through critical thinking.
Pre-requisites: ECE 3613, ECE 3723, ECE 3793, and MATH 3113, or permission
Course Outline: Upon completion of this course, you will understand the basics of antenna theory and design. You will possess the knowledge, and understand the critical thinking processes necessary, to design, construct, and measure an antenna (including antenna designs not specifically covered in this course) to meet performance requirements for a system. By the end of this course, you should also be able to evaluate the validity of antenna measurement results and performance specifications through critical thinking.
Electromagnetic Fields and Wave Propagation
(ECE 4703/5703)
(ECE 4703/5703)
Instructor: Dr. C. Fulton and Dr. J. Ruyle
Pre-requisites: ECE 3613, ECE 3723, ECE 3793, and MATH 3133
Course Outline: Upon completion of this course you will know, understand, and be able to apply Maxwell's equations to practical microwave and high-speed circuits and1 systems. All material in electromagnetics stems and can be derived from Maxwell's equations, so learn to love them! The course will cover plane wave propagation and reflection, transmission line and other waveguide structures, passive microwave components, and basic antenna and array theory.
Pre-requisites: ECE 3613, ECE 3723, ECE 3793, and MATH 3133
Course Outline: Upon completion of this course you will know, understand, and be able to apply Maxwell's equations to practical microwave and high-speed circuits and1 systems. All material in electromagnetics stems and can be derived from Maxwell's equations, so learn to love them! The course will cover plane wave propagation and reflection, transmission line and other waveguide structures, passive microwave components, and basic antenna and array theory.
Microwave Systems and Components
(ECE 5713)
(ECE 5713)
Instructor: Dr. C. Fulton
Pre-requisites: ECE 4643 or ECE 4693 or permission
Course Outline: This course provides a broad overview of microwave engineering and high-speed electronics from both a circuit and system perspective, bridging the gap between—and building upon—a number of core electrical engineering areas in the context of practical microwave communication and radar systems. Emphasis is placed on understanding both the fundamental principles of these disciplines as they apply to modern systems as well as practical methods for designing, analyzing, constructing, and testing them; the latter is supported with hands-on experience using state-of-the-art software and equipment.
Pre-requisites: ECE 4643 or ECE 4693 or permission
Course Outline: This course provides a broad overview of microwave engineering and high-speed electronics from both a circuit and system perspective, bridging the gap between—and building upon—a number of core electrical engineering areas in the context of practical microwave communication and radar systems. Emphasis is placed on understanding both the fundamental principles of these disciplines as they apply to modern systems as well as practical methods for designing, analyzing, constructing, and testing them; the latter is supported with hands-on experience using state-of-the-art software and equipment.
Radar Signal Processing
(ECE 5723)
(ECE 5723)
Instructor: Dr. N. Goodman
Pre-requisites: ECE 3793 or equivalent
Course Outline: This course provides the student with an understanding of the fundamental physics and signal processing of radar systems. The student should complete the class with the background necessary to begin designing and analyzing system concepts and signal processing algorithms for implementation in modern radar systems. The student should become familiar with conventional applications of radar and with new techniques currently being researched and implemented.
Pre-requisites: ECE 3793 or equivalent
Course Outline: This course provides the student with an understanding of the fundamental physics and signal processing of radar systems. The student should complete the class with the background necessary to begin designing and analyzing system concepts and signal processing algorithms for implementation in modern radar systems. The student should become familiar with conventional applications of radar and with new techniques currently being researched and implemented.
Radio Frequency and Microwave Filter Design
(ECE 4973/5973)
(ECE 4973/5973)
Instructor: Dr. H. Sigmarsson
Pre-requisites: Graduate standing and permission
Course Outline: The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to advanced filter design. The use of filters is very widespread in all aspects of communication and radar systems. At the end of the semester, a student that has successfully embraced the subject will be able to design, fabricate, and test filters, using a range of different tech- nologies and methods.
Pre-requisites: Graduate standing and permission
Course Outline: The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to advanced filter design. The use of filters is very widespread in all aspects of communication and radar systems. At the end of the semester, a student that has successfully embraced the subject will be able to design, fabricate, and test filters, using a range of different tech- nologies and methods.
Weather Radar Polarimetry
(METR/ECE 6613)
(METR/ECE 6613)
Instructor: Dr. G. Zhang
Pre-requisites: Senior/graduate standing or permission
Course Outline: This course provides fundamentals and principles for polarimetric radar remote sensing through the understanding of wave scattering and propagation in geophysical media filled with hydrometers and other objects. Physical, statistical and electromagnetic properties of the hydrometeors are characterized. The relations between radar observables and physical state parameters will be established. Advanced remote sensing techniques (e.g., polarimetric phased array radar and interferometry) will be introduced. Applications of polarimetric radar measurements in hydrometeor classification, particle size distribution retrievals, model microphysics parameterization, weather quantification and forecast will be illustrated.
Pre-requisites: Senior/graduate standing or permission
Course Outline: This course provides fundamentals and principles for polarimetric radar remote sensing through the understanding of wave scattering and propagation in geophysical media filled with hydrometers and other objects. Physical, statistical and electromagnetic properties of the hydrometeors are characterized. The relations between radar observables and physical state parameters will be established. Advanced remote sensing techniques (e.g., polarimetric phased array radar and interferometry) will be introduced. Applications of polarimetric radar measurements in hydrometeor classification, particle size distribution retrievals, model microphysics parameterization, weather quantification and forecast will be illustrated.