Polarimetric X-band 1000

System Overview
Designed, fabricated, and operated by ARRC, the PX-1000's dual-channel independent transmit chain opens up possibilities of novel waveform diversity for improving polarimetric radar quality. In addition to advanced signal processing developments such as spectral analysis and adaptive clutter filtering, real-time acquisition of time-series data also facilitates pulse compression development, for example. The PX-1000 is well suited for long-term field campaigns.System characteristics
- Radiating Center Height is 8 feet AGL (2.5 m)
- 400 W total peak power using two 200-W solid-state power amplifiers (SSPA)
- Original power: 200-W using two 100-W SSPAs
- Upgraded to 400-W in 2015.
Operation frequency is 9550 MHz (X-band)
- Wavelength: 3.14 cm
- Pulse length: 1-70 μsec
- Pulse repetition frequency: 1-2000 Hz
- 1.24-m Parabolic reflector by Seavey Engineering
- 1.8° beamwidth @ -3 dB points
- Gain: 38.5 dBi
- Sidelobe level: Better than -26 dB one-way
- Cross-pol isolation better than 26 dB
- Rotation rate: Up to 50° sec-1
- Sensitivity using pulse compression
- Better than 20 dBZ at 50 km
- Simultaneous dual-polarization
- Flexible computing platform for real-time algorithm development
- Real-time I/Q data recording/processing
- A/D converter resolution: 16 bit
- Receiver bandwidth: 5 MHz
- Gate spacing: up to 30 m
- Number of range gates: up to 2048
- Easy travel
- Bridge clearance: 13'
- Trailer weight: 2.5 tons