Creating a Client Program ========================= A client program is a program which *consumes* moment data produced by the radar. Creating a client program is not very difficult. The software repository ships with three different example client programs: 1. Client.ipynb -- Listens for moment data coming from the radar, and plots line plots of reflectivity, Doppler velocity, and I/Q of the first channels. It also saves the moment data to disk. 2. PPIClient.ipynb -- Listens for moment data coming from the radar, and plots the returned signal on a PPI plot. It also saves the moment data to disk. 3. Simple Data Receiver.ipynb -- A minimalist client program that only receives data and dumps it to disk. This program does not rely on anything in this repository. Conceptually, a client program is pretty simple. A program must do the following steps: 1. Open a `Nanomsg subscribe socket `_ and connect to the radar's IP address and port. 2. nn_recv() from the socket. Every recv() will return a radial's worth of data. The data format is described in :doc:`output_data_format`. 3. Decode the data using `MessagePack `_ [#f1]_ 4. Do something useful with the data. 5. Repeat steps 2-4. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] Most of the data is encoded using the `MessagePack EXT type `_. This was done to efficiently serialize homogeneous arrays. The following code snippet can be used to take in data (in Python) .. code-block:: python from itertools import count import msgpack import nanomsg import numpy as np import struct def ext_hook_unpack(code, data): """ This is a simplified version of the function wni.util.ext_hook_unpack. """ if code == 0: real, imag = struct.unpack('ff', data) ret = complex(real, imag) elif code == 1: dtype, shape, array_data = msgpack.unpackb(data) flat_array = np.fromstring(array_data, dtype=np.sctypeDict[dtype]) ret = flat_array.reshape(shape) else: raise ValueError('unknown code {}'.format(code)) return ret def unpackb(data): """This function unpacks numpy arrays for you. Call it instead of msgpack.unpackb""" return msgpack.unpackb(data, ext_hook=ext_hook_unpack, encoding='utf-8') sock = nanomsg.Socket(nanomsg.SUB) # subscribe to the data stream sock.set_string_option(nanomsg.SUB, nanomsg.SUB_SUBSCRIBE, b'') sock.connect("tcp://") # set a timeout so the program doesn't hang forever sock.recv_timeout = 5000 for i in count(1): raw_data = sock.recv() as_dict = unpackb(raw_data) print('\rreceived data {}: az {:.2f}°'.format(i, as_dict['az']), end='')