Phillip B. Chilson
Professor |
School of Meteorology & Atmospheric Radar Researech Center University of Oklahoma 120 David L. Boren Blvd, Rm 4618 Norman, OK 73072-7307 |
Phone: 405-325-5095 Fax: 405-325-7689 e-mail: |
SoM web page SoM faculty ARRC web page |
B.S. (1985) Clemson University; M.S. (1990) University of Florida; Ph.D. (1993) Clemson University.
A common thread woven through most of Dr. Chilson’s research has been observations of the atmosphere
using radar; however, he has worked in a variety of research areas as well, which fall outside of this
broad theme. For example, after receiving his B.S. degree Dr. Chilson spent one year in Germany on a
Fulbright Scholarship pursuing nuclear solid-state physics at the Kernforschungsanlage in Jülich.
For his M.S. degree topic, Dr. Chilson studied quantum fluids in a low temperature physics lab.
It was during his Ph.D. studies that he began focusing on atmospheric physics using radar.
Since obtaining his Ph.D. Dr. Chilson has been using radar to investigate such topics as the
ablation of meteors and the resulting ionization, dynamics in the summer polar mesosphere region,
dynamic instabilities in the lower atmosphere, effects of ionospheric modification,
orographically induced gravity waves, convective and stable boundary layers, biological scatter,
and so forth. Many of these studies required the development, implementation, and utilization of
advanced measurement and signal-processing techniques. Dr. Chilson joined the faculty of the
School of Meterology in January of 2005. He is a member of the Atmospheric Radar Research Center and an
adjunct professor in OU’s School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Before coming to OU he was a
research scientist with CIRES at the University of Colorado where he worked with the NOAA Environmental
Technology Laboratory. Earlier appointments were with the Swedish Institute of Space Phyiscs and the
Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie (currently the Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung).