Rapid X-band Polarimetric Radar

System Overview
Operated by OU's Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC), RaXPol boasts extremely rapid pedestal speeds, which enable a volume scan to be completed in as little as 20 seconds. The truck-based platform can quickly maneuver to a target area, deploy, operate, and depart with minimal preparation. While these advantages make RaXPol well-adapted to observation of severe weather phenomena, the arbitrary transmit waveform and raw I/Q data recording capabilities also allow for experiments with pulse compression and innovative radar signal processing.
The RaXPol is now part of the NSF CIF. Click here to learn more.
System characteristics
- 20 kW peak power / 200 W average power TWT transmitter
Transmit frequency is 9730 MHz (X-band)
- Wavelength: 3.08 cm
- Pulse length: 0.1 - 40 μsec
- Pulse repetition frequency: 1 - 8 kHz
- Coherent pulse, chirp, or arbitrary waveform
- Automatic frequency hopping mode for independent sampling during rapid-scan
- Antenna
- 3-dB Beamwidth: 1° (2.4 m Parabolic Dish)
- Gain: 44.5 dBi
- Sidelobe level: Better than -26 dB one-way
- Cross-pol isolation better than 26 dB
- Rotation rate:
- Up to 180° sec-1 in azimuth
- Up to 36° sec-1 in elevation
- Simultaneous dual-polarization
- Moment or I/Q data recording
- A/D converter resolution: 16 bit
- Receiver bandwidth: 50 MHz
- Gate spacing: up to 3 m
- Easy travel
- Bridge clearance: 14'
- Gross weight: 5 tons