Hjalti H. Sigmarsson







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Journal Papers

[1] I. Suryarajitha, R. Jawale, G. Basavarajappa, H. H. Sigmarsson, R. K. Panigrahi, and M. V. Kartikeyan, “An innovative H-plane filtering horn antenna in substrate integrated waveguide technology,” Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on, accepted in Jan. 2025.
[2] K. M. Patnaik, G. Basavarajappa, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “An innovative design methodology of a novel multifunctional all-pole filtering horn antenna,” Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, IEEE, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 35-38, Jan. 2025.
[3] R. Jawale, S. Inapurapu, G. Basavarajappa, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “A novel multifunctional E-plane metal septum based filtering horn antenna,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, published in Dec. 2024.
[4] A. Pham and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Full bandpass filter reconfigurability through liquid metal tuning and a novel external coupling technique,” Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, IEEE, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 1231-1234, Nov. 2024.
[5] R. Agasti, D. C. Nichols, A. M. Eck, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Varactor-tuned superstrate-loaded antenna and filtenna for X-band applications,” Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 7651-7663, Oct. 2024.
[6] G. Ariturk, N. Almuqati, Y. Yu, E. T. T. Yen, A. Fruehling, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Exact synthesis of hybrid acoustic-electromagnetic filters with wideband Chebyshev responses,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 3185-3199, May 2024.
[7] R. H. Kenney, R. E. Jarvis, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel “Efficient timedomain tuning of microwave filters using concepts from the unscented Kalman filter,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 2391-2413, Apr. 2024.
[8] B. Sun, R. Kenney, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “Reduced navigation error using a multi-sensor fusion technique and its application in synthetic aperture radar,” IEEE Journal of Microwaves, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 86-100, Jan. 2024.
[9] J. M. Knowles, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “Generalized theory and realization of continuously loss-programmable bandpass filtering attenuators,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 5280-5294, Dec. 2023.
[10] C. G. Blosser, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Power limitations of magneto-dielectric substrate microstrip antennas,” J. Eng., vol. 2023, no. 10, e12305, Oct. 2023.
[11] P. R. Winniford, A. Bauer, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “New analysis and design techniques for arbitrary reactance trap dipoles,” IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 4, pp. 1065-1073, Oct. 2023.
[12] R. Agasti, A. Bauer, J. E. Ruyle, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Frequency-agile SIW-based filtenna using evanescent-mode cavity resonators,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 2600-2604, Oct. 2023.
[13] E. Wells, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. McDaniel, “A surface-mountable suspended integrated strip-line technology using castellated vias,” Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1067-1069, July 2023.
[14] R. D. Palmer, M. B. Yeary, D. Schvartzman, J. L. Salazar-Cerreno, C. Fulton, M. McCord, B. Cheong, D. Bodine, P. Kirstetter, H. H. Sigmarsson, T. -Y. Yu, D. Zrnić, R. Kelley, J. Meier, and M. Herndon, “Horus—A fully digital polarimetric phased array radar for next-generation weather observations,” IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems, vol. 1, pp. 96-117, May 2023.
[15] R. Agasti, C. G. Blosser, J. E. Ruyle, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Tunable SIW-based evanescent-mode cavity-backed slot antenna with contactless tuning,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 42670-42678, 2023.
[16] M. R. Thibodeau, A. L. Bauer, C. G. Blosser, S. Saeedi, J. E. Ruyle, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Frequency agile slot antenna using contactless capacitive loading,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 99460-99466, Sept. 2022.
[17] N. Bathaei, B. Weng, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Crystallization of GeTe phase change thin films grown by pulsed electron-beam deposition,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 148, Sep. 2022:106781.
[18] B. Sun, R. Kenney, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “An up-sampled particle filter fusion technique and its application in synthetic aperture radar imaging,” IEEE Journal of Microwaves, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 108-122, Jan. 2022.
[19] O. Hussein, K. Al Shamaileh, H. H. Sigmarsson, S. Abushamleh, N. Aboserwal, and V. Devabhaktuni, “A half-mode substrate integrated waveguide filtering power divider with Fourier-varying via holes,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 2964-2968, Dec. 2021.
[20] R. Kenney, C. Walker, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “A varactor-based tunable combline bandpass filter using suspended integrated stripline,” IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 112-116, Sept. 2021.
[21] N. Almuqati, G. Ariturk and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Empirical quality factor prediction of quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide resonators,” IEEE Journal of Microwaves, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 777-786, June 2021.
[22] G. Ariturk and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Lossy microwave filters with active shape correction,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 35075-35087, Feb. 2021.
[23] C. Walker, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “Design of a wideband surface mountable suspended integrated strip-line technology,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 188825-188832, Oct. 2020.
[24] C. Fulton, R. Palmer, M Yeary, J. L. Salazar-Cerreno, H. H. Sigmarsson, M. Weber, and A. Hedden, “Horus: A testbed for fully digital phased array radars,” Microwave Journal, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 20-36, Jan. 2020.
[25] J. L. Salazar-Cerreno, Z. Qamar, S. Saeedi, B. Weng, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Frequency agile microstrip patch antenna using an anisotropic artificial dielectric layer (AADL): Modeling and design,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 6398-6406, Dec. 2019.
[26] J. McDaniel and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Low-loss and ultra-wide passband highpass filter using suspended integrated strip-line technology,” Electronics Letters, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 803-805, July 2019.
[27] M. J. Kim, M. A. Cruz, S. Ye, A. L. Gray, G. L. Smith, N. Lazarus, C. J. Walker, H. H. Sigmarsson, and B. J. Wiley, “One-step electrodeposition of copper on conductive 3D printed objects,” Additive Manufacturing, vol. 27, pp. 318-326, May 2019.
[28] N. Bathaei, B. Weng, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Growth study of GeTe phase change material using pulsed electron-beam deposition,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 96, pp. 73-77, Feb. 2019.
[29] J. McDaniel, S. Saeedi, M. Yeary, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “A low-loss fully board-integrated low-pass filter using suspended integrated strip-line technology,” Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1948-1955, Nov. 2018.
[30] M. Mirmozafari, S. Saeedi, H. Saeidi-Manesh, G. Zhang, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Direct 3-D printing of non-planar linear dipole phased array antennas,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 2137-2140, Nov. 2018.
[31] H. Saeidi-Manesh, S. Saeedi, M. Mirmozafari, G. Zhang, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Design and fabrication of orthogonal mode transducer using 3D printing technology,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 17, no. 11, pp.  2013-2016, Nov. 2018.
[32] S. Saeedi, S. Atash-Bahar, J. Lee, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Control system for piezoelectric-actuator-based tunable evanescent-mode cavity microwave filters,” Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 8, no. 11, pp.  1979-1989, Nov. 2018.
[33] D. S. Mitchell, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Lost-shell casting for rapid prototyping in RF and microwave applications,” Electronics Letters, vol. 54, no. 18, pp. 1078-1080, Sept. 2018.
[34] S. N. McClung, S. Saeedi, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Band-reconfigurable filter with liquid metal actuation,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 3073-3080, June 2018.
[35] M. N. Hasan, S. Saeedi, Q. J. Gu, H. H. Sigmarsson, and X. Liu, “Design methodology of N-path filters with adjustable frequency, bandwidth, and filter shape,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2775-2790, June 2018.
[36] J. McDaniel, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, J. A. Wolf, S. Garrison, K. Byers, and M. Clewell, “Integration and miniaturization of a Ka-band stepped frequency radar for un-manned aerial vehicle applications,” Advancing Microelectronics Magazine, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 6-10, March/April 2018.
[37] A. S. Horton, S. L. Chilton, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Tunable microstrip filter element using magnetically-repositioned ferrofluid load,” Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 256-258, Feb. 2017.
[38] C. J. R. Smith and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Microstrip T-junction power divider with exponentially tapered transmission lines,” Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 987-989, Dec. 2016.
[39] S. Saeedi, J. Lee, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Tunable, high-Q, substrate-integrated, evanescent-mode cavity bandpass-bandstop filter cascade,” Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 240-242, Apr. 2016.
[40] S. Saeedi, J. Lee, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Prediction of power handling in tunable, high-Q, substrate-integrated, evanescent-mode cavity bandpass filters,” Electronics Letters, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 846-848, Apr. 2016.
[41] S. Saeedi, J. Lee, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “A new property of the maximally-flat lowpass filter prototype coefficients for dissipative loss calculations,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, vol. 63, pp. 1-11, Mar. 2016.
[42] S. Saeedi, J. Lee, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Novel coupling matrix synthesis for single-layer substrate-integrated evanescent-mode cavity tunable bandstop filter design,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 3929-3938, Dec. 2015.
[43] K. Lee, T.-H. Lee, G. C. Park, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. Lee, “Frequency-tunable bandstop-bandpass dual-function microwave filter,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 20150313, 2015.
[44] Y.-S. Cho, H. Joshi, X. Liu, H. H. Sigmarsson, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Development of 6-12 GHz evanescent-mode two-pole low-loss tunable bandpass filter,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2418-2422, 2015.
[45] E. J. Naglich, J. Lee, H. H. Sigmarsson, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Intersecting parallel-plate waveguide loaded cavities for dual-mode and dual-band filters,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1829-1838, May 2013.
[46] J. Lee, E. J. Naglich, H. H. Sigmarsson, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “New bandstop filter circuit topology and its application to design of a bandstop-to-bandpass switchable filter,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1114- 1123, Mar. 2013.
[47] J. Lee, E. J. Naglich, H. H. Sigmarsson, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Tunable inter-resonator coupling structure with positive and negative values and its application to the field-programmable filter array (FPFA),” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 3389-3400, Dec. 2011.
[48] S. Moon, H. H. Sigmarsson, H. Joshi, and W. J. Chappell, “Substrate integrated evanescent-mode cavity filter with a 3.5 to 1 tuning ratio,” Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 450-452, Aug. 2010.
[49] H. Joshi, H. H. Sigmarsson, S. Moon, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “High-Q fully reconfigurable tunable bandpass filters,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3525-3533, Dec. 2009.
[50] S. Moon, H. H. Sigmarsson, Y. Huang, T. Bruemmer, S. K. Khanna, and W. J. Chappell, “Magnetically aligned anisotropic conductive adhesive for microwave applications,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2942-2949, Dec. 2008.
[51] T.-Y. Choi, H. Sharifi, H. H. Sigmarsson, W. J. Chappell, S. Mohammadi, and L. P. Katehi, “3-D integration of 10-GHz filter and CMOS receiver front-end,” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 2298-2305, Nov. 2007.
[52] E. C. Kinzel, H. H. Sigmarsson, X. Xu, and W. J. Chappell, “Laser sintering of thick-film conductors for microelectronic applications,” Journal of applied physics, vol. 101, no. 6, pp. 063106-063106, 2007.

Conference Papers

[1] C. G. Blosser, K. C. Kerby-Patel, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Design of a novel electrically small filtenna,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2024.
[2] D. C. Nichols, A. L. Bauer, A. M. Eck, C. G. Blosser, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Design and fabrication of an electrically small on-aperture parametrically amplified receiver,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2024.
[3] G. Ariturk, Y. Yu, E. T. T. Yen, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Cross-coupling simplification in asymmetric acoustic-electromagnetic filters,” in 2024 IEEE International Microwave Filter Workshop (IMFW), pp. 132-135, Feb. 2024.
[4] A. L. Bauer, K. Schab, K. C. Kerby-Patel, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Performance of matching regimes with electrically small antennas,” in Proceedings of the 2023 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2023.
[5] R. Agasti, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “A method to estimate varactor quality factor at microwave frequencies,” in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2023 IEEE, 2023, pp. 1-2.
[6] J. M. Knowles, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “Higher-order filtering attenuator design considerations for filter shape optimization,” in 2023 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2023.
[7] R. Palmer, D. Schvartzman, D. Bodine, B-L. Cheong, C. Fulton, P. Kirstetter, J. Salazar, H. H. Sigmarsson, M. Yeary, and T. Y. Yu, “Horus-a polarimetric digital phased array weather radar developed at the University of Oklahoma,” in 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array System & Technology (PAST), Oct. 2022.
[8] R. Agasti, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Investigating the scalability of a frequency agile filtenna for X-band applications,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2022.
[9] A. L. Bauer, R. Agasti, C. G. Blosser, J. Wiegand, C. Weale, R. Mattingly, S. Flandermeyer, J. Metcalf, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Investigation of system noise improvements with tunable filtenna,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2022.
[10] R. Agasti, A. L. Bauer, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Radio-frequency characterization of thermally and electrically conductive adhesives for antenna applications,” in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2022 IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-2.
[11] C. G. Blosser, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Power handling of varactor diode-based frequency agile antennas,” in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2022 IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-2.
[12] G. Ariturk, N. R. Almuqati, Y. Yu, E. T. T. Yen, A. Fruehling, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Wideband hybrid acoustic-electromagnetic filters with prescribed Chebyshev functions,” in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2022 IEEE MTT-S International, June 2022.
[13] C. Fulton, N. Goodman, M. Yeary, R. Palmer, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. McDaniel, “Preliminary system integration and performance features for an S-band, dual-polarized, all-digital phased array radar,” in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2022 IEEE MTT-S International, June 2022.
[14] P. D. O'Connor-Lynch and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Design and optimization of broadband matching networks for wide-scanning phased arrays,” in 2022 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2022.
[15] J. M. Knowles, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “Design of a symmetric lumped-element bandpass filtering attenuator (filtenuator),” in 2022 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2022.
[16] E. W. Wells, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “Design of a frequency-agile and surface mountable suspended integrated strip-line bandpass filter using castellated vias,” in 2022 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2022.
[17] G. Ariturk, N. Almuqati, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Element-level microwave filter integration in fully-digital phased array radar systems,” in 2022 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2022.
[18] A. Pham and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Bandwidth-reconfigurable liquid-metal tunable bandpass filter,” in 2021 IEEE International Microwave Filter Workshop (IMFW), Nov. 2021.
[19] R. Summers, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, and R. Rincon, “Architecture study for a bare-metal direct conversion radar FPGA testbench,” in Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Radar Conference, May 2021.
[20] M. Yeary, R. Palmer, C. Fulton, J. Salazar, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Update on an S-band all-digital mobile phased array radar,” in Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Radar Conference, May 2021.
[21] G. Ariturk, N. Almuqati, S Saeedi, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Board-integrated tunable bandpass filter with wide stopband for phased array antennas,” in 2020-2021 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2021.
[22] R. H. Kenney, K. Konyalioglu, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. W. McDaniel, “An All-COTS high sampling frequency pulse-Doppler imaging radar,” in Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Radar Conference, Apr. 2020.
[23] R. Summers, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, and R. Rincon, “Adaptive digital predistortion for radar applications using convex optimization,” in Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Radar Conference, Apr. 2020.
[24] S. Saeedi, G. Ariturk, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Compact wide-stopband bandpass filter based on highly-loaded substrate integrated cavity resonators,” in IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), pp. 145-147, Jan. 2020.
[25] M. Yeary, R. Palmer, C. J. Fulton, J. Salazar, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Recent advances on an S-band all-digital mobile phased array radar,” in 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array System & Technology (PAST), Oct. 2019.
[26] P. Winniford, S. Saeedi, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “A high-efficiency design for a resonator loaded slot antenna,” in Proceedings of the 2019 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2019.
[27] M. Thibodeau, S. Saeedi, J. E. Ruyle, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Frequency tunable slot antenna by piezo actuated capacitive loading,” in Proceedings of the 2019 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2019.
[28] A. Schaeffer, S. F. Bass, S. Saeedi, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Investigation of control mechanisms for tuning mutual coupling in high-power transmit arrays,” in Proceedings of the 2019 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2019.
[29] A. Pham, S. Saeedi, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Continuously-tunable substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter actuated by liquid metal,” in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2019 IEEE MTT-S International, June 2019.
[30] B. Sun, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. McDaniel, “Fine resolution position estimation using Kalman filtering,” in 2019 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), May 2019.
[31] N. Almuqati and H. H. Sigmarsson, “3D microstrip line taper on ultra-low dielectric constant substrate,” in 2019 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2019.
[32] E. Arroyo-Diaz, S. Saeedi, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Frequency-agile coplanar-waveguide-fed miniaturized helical resonator filters,” in 2019 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2019.
[33] E. Arroyo-Diaz, S. Saeedi, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “3D-printed tunable helical resonators for miniaturized VHF filters,” in 2019 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems, Apr. 2019.
[34] R. Kenney, B. Sun, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. McDaniel, “Clock incoherence in all-digital radar back ends,” in Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference 19 (GOMACTech19), Mar. 2019.
[35] P. Winniford, A. Schaeffer, J. I. Kennedy, M. Thibodeau, S. Saeedi, J. E. Ruyle, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Reconfigurable evanescent-mode cavity loaded slot antenna,” in Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference 19 (GOMACTech19), Mar. 2019.
[36] R. Palmer, C. Fulton, J. Salazar, H. H. Sigmarsson, and M. Yeary, “An overview of phased array weather radar R&D at the Advanced Radar Research Center at the University of Oklahoma,” in Proceedings of the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Jan. 2019.
[37] A. Schaeffer, J. I. Kennedy, P. Winniford, S. Saeedi, C. J. Fulton, N. A. Goodman, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Investigation of a tunable antenna for high-power phased array applications,” in Proceedings of the 2018 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2018.
[38] D. Mirkovic, H. H. Sigmarsson, T. Milosevic, and D. S. Zrnic, “Computational electromagnetics in service of polarimetric phased array radar calibration-What causes the differential phase bias?,” in 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Aug. 2018.
[39] M. L. Perrine, R. Rincon, S. Van Nostrand, H. Nguyen, M. A. Moe, H. H. Sigmarsson, and M. Yeary, “Miniaturized P-band beamforming synthetic aperture radar transceiver,” in Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Radar Conference, Apr. 2018.
[40] J. McDaniel, M. Yeary, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “A fully-board integrated Ka-band suspended integrated strip-line thru and low pass filter,” in Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference 18 (GOMACTech18), Mar. 2018.
[41] M. Yeary, C. J. Fulton, R. Palmer, J. Salazar, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Update on the all-digital phased array radar Horus program at the University of Oklahoma’s Advanced Radar Research Center,” in Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference 18 (GOMACTech18), Mar. 2018.
[42] S. Saeedi and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Miniaturized evanescent-mode cavity SIW bandpass filter with spurious suppression,” in IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), pp. 234-236, Jan. 2018.
[43] J. McDaniel, M. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, J. A. Wolf, S. Garrison, K. Byers, and M. Clewell, “Integration and miniaturization of a Ka-band stepped frequency radar for un-manned aerial vehicle applications,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Microelectronics, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), Oct. 2017.
[44] M. S. Teshiba, C. Fulton, H. H. Sigmarsson, N. Tahir, and N. Aboserwal, “Development and deployment of an X-band reflect-array radar,” in 38th Conference on Radar Meteorology, AMS, Aug. 2017.
[45] S. Atash-bahar, H. H. Sigmarsson, and D. Thompson, “Implantable neurostimulator lead transfer function based on the transmission line model,” in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2017 IEEE, 2017, pp. 1-2.
[46] S. N. McClung, S. Saeedi, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Single-mode-dual-band to dual-mode-single-band bandpass filter with liquid metal,” in 2017 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2017.
[47] J. McDaniel, S. Saeedi, M. Yeary, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Suspended integrated strip-line transition design for highly integrated radar systems,” in Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference 17 (GOMACTech17), Mar. 2017.
[48] R. Wyse, J. Lovseth, T. Hoffmann, J. Moran, S. Gilette, A. Geiler, C. Fulton, H. H. Sigmarsson, Z. Rush, and N. Peccarelli, “The Swiss army knife of radio front-ends,” in Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference 17 (GOMACTech17), Mar. 2017.
[49] T. E. Collins III, K. S. Bassett, C. A. Maxey, E. Hoppenjans, D. Peroulis, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “A DC - 20-GHz reconfigurable multi-channel transceiver for real-time RF mission versatility,” in Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference 17 (GOMACTech17), Mar. 2017.
[50] J. R. Chen, M. D. Benge, H. H. Sigmarsson, and X. Liu, “An evanescent-mode tunable dual-band filter with independently-controlled center frequencies,” in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2016 IEEE MTT-S International, May 2016.
[51] S. Saeedi, S. Atash-bahar, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Active tunable substrate integrated evanescent-mode cavity resonator using negative resistance,” in IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), Jan. 2016.
[52] S. Saeedi, J. Lee, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Double conversion method for synthesis of inverse filters,” in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2015 IEEE MTT-S International, May 2015.
[53] C. J. R. Smith and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Dual-band second order microstrip filter using dual-mode perturbed meander loop resonators,” in 2015 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2015.
[54] S. Atash-bahar, S. Saeedi, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Active resonator using comb-shaped defected ground structure with negative resistance,” in 2015 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Conference Proceedings (WAMICON), Apr. 2015.
[55] H. H. Sigmarsson, “Miniaturized tunable evanescent-mode cavity filters for adaptive interference mitigation,” in Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference 15 (GOMACTech15), Mar. 2015.
[56] S. Saeedi, W. S. Wilson, T. R. Ashley, J. Lee, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Capacitive-based, closed-loop frequency control of substrate-integrated cavity tunable filters,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Microelectronics, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), 2014, pp. 826-831.
[57] S. Saeedi, J. Lee, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Broadband implementation of tunable, substrate- integrated, evanescent-mode, cavity bandpass filters,” in Microwave Conference, 2014 European, 2014, pp. 849-852.
[58] M. D. Benge, R. C. Huck, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “X-band performance of three-dimensional, selectively laser sintered waveguides,” in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2014 IEEE, 2014, pp. 1-2.
[59] A. Lietuvninkas, V. Howe, H. H. Sigmarsson, and J. E. Ruyle, “Investigation of conformal antenna design limits,” in Proceedings of the 2013 Antenna Applications Symposium, Sept. 2013.
[60] A. Anand, J. Small, H. H. Sigmarsson, and X. Liu, “Tunable RF filters based on radially-loaded evanescent-mode cavity resonators,” URSI National Radio Science Meeting, no. D2-4, 2013.
[61] H. H. Sigmarsson, E. Naglich, J. Lee, D. Peroulis, and W. Chappell, “Tunable bandpass and bandstop filter cascade for dynamic pole allocation,” in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2012 IEEE, 2012, pp. 1-2.
[62] K. Chen, H. H. Sigmarsson, and D. Peroulis, “Power handling of high-Q evanescent-mode tunable filter with integrated piezoelectric actuators,” in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2012 IEEE MTT-S International, 2012, pp. 1-3.
[63] J. Lee, E. J. Naglich, H. H. Sigmarsson, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Frequency-agile field-programmable filter array (FPFA) with multiple functionalities,” in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S International, 2011, pp. 1-4.
[64] E. J. Naglich, H. H. Sigmarsson, and W. J. Chappell, “Widely tunable X-band bandstop resonator with tunable external coupling,” URSI National Radio Science Meeting, no. B2-2, 2011.
[65] H. H. Sigmarsson, E. Binkerd, J. Maas, J. Lee, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Practical implementation of frequency monitoring for widely tunable bandpass filters,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Microelectronics, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), 2010, pp. 874-880.
[66] H. H. Sigmarsson, J. Lee, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Reconfigurable-order bandpass filter for frequency agile systems,” in Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2010 IEEE MTT-S International, 2010, pp. 1756-1759.
[67] H. H. Sigmarsson, H. Joshi, M. Sungwook, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Substrate integration of widely tunable bandpass filters,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Microelectronics, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), 2009, pp. 711-716.
[68] H. Joshi, H. H. Sigmarsson, S. Moon, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “High Q narrow-band tunable filters with controllable bandwidth,” in Microwave Symposium Digest, 2009. MTT'09. IEEE MTT-S International, 2009, pp. 629-632.
[69] H. H. Sigmarsson, A. Christianson, H. Joshi, S. Moon, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “In-situ control of tunable evanescent-mode cavity filters using differential mode monitoring,” in Microwave Symposium Digest, 2009. MTT'09. IEEE MTT-S International, 2009, pp. 633-636.
[70] H. Joshi, H. H. Sigmarsson, S. Moon, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Tunable high Q narrow-band triplexer,” in Microwave Symposium Digest, 2009. MTT'09. IEEE MTT-S International, 2009, pp. 1477-1480.
[71] H. H. Sigmarsson, H. Joshi, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “3-6 GHz tunable bandpass filter using heavily loaded evanescent-mode cavity resonators and piezoelectric actuators,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Microelectronics, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), 2008, pp. 360-366.
[72] H. Joshi, H. H. Sigmarsson, and W. J. Chappell, “Analytical modeling of highly loaded evanescent-mode cavity resonators for widely tunable high-Q filter applications,” URSI France Institut Telecom Conference, no. D09, 2008.
[73] A. Mahmood, H. H. Sigmarsson, H. Joshi, W. J. Chappell, and D. Peroulis, “An evanescent-mode cavity resonator based thermal sensor,” in Sensors, 2007 IEEE, 2007, pp. 950-953.
[74] H. Joshi, H. H. Sigmarsson, D. Peroulis, and W. J. Chappell, “Highly loaded evanescent cavities for widely tunable high-Q filters,” in Microwave Symposium, 2007. IEEE MTT-S International, 2007, pp. 2133-2136.
[75] H. H. Sigmarsson, E. C. Kinzel, X. Xu, and W. J. Chappell, “Selective laser sintering of multilayer, multimaterial circuit components,” in Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. IEEE MTT-S International, 2006, pp. 1788-1791.
[76] E. C. Kinzel, X. Xu, H. H. Sigmarsson, and W. J. Chappell, “IMECE 2005 heat transfer in laser sintering of thick-film microelectronics,” ASME-PUBLICATIONS-HTD, vol. 376, no. 2, p. 895, 2005.
[77] E. C. Kinzel, H. H. Sigmarsson, X. Xu, and W. J. Chappell, “Selective laser sintering of microwave components,” in Microwave Conference, 2005 European, vol. 1, 2005, pp. 4-pp.
[78] H. H. Sigmarsson, E. C. Kinzel, W. J. Chappell, and X. Xu, “Thick film metallization in ambient air using selective laser sintering,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Microelectronics, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), 2005, pp. 691-699.
[79] H. H. Sigmarsson, E. C. Kinzel, W. J. Chappell, and X. Xu, “Selective laser sintering of patch antennas on FR4,” in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2005 IEEE, vol. 1, 2005, pp. 280-283.


[1] J. W. McDaniel, M. B. Yeary, H. H. Sigmarsson, and B. M. Sun “Multi-inertial measurement unit fusion for fine-resolution position estimation,” US11435485B2, issued Sept. 6, 2022.
[2] C. F. Fulton, H. H. Sigmarsson, C. Piersall, D. Schmidt, M. McCord, R. Kelley, B. McGuire, N. Tahir, N. Aboserwal, S. Karimkashi, and R. Irazoqui “A low-cost, multi-beam, reflectarray-based radar system,” patent disclosure filed in August 2016.
[3] H. Joshi, H. H. Sigmarsson, D. Peroulis, W. J. Chappell, and X. Liu, “Tunable evanescent-mode cavity filter,” U.S. Patent 9,024,709, issued May 5 2015.
[4] W. J. Chappell, D. Peroulis, J. Lee, E. J. Naglich, and H. H. Sigmarsson, “Field programmable filter array,” U.S. Patent 8,665,040, issued March 4, 2014.

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Advanced Radar Research Center, The University of Oklahoma, 3190 Monitor Ave, Norman, OK 73019
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University of Oklahoma, 110 W. Boyd St., Norman, OK 73019