Example HFSS Scripts

Below are a variety of scripts that you can reference to do different things in HFSS. These scripts are only compatible with HFSS 16, but each script is completely self-contained. You can copy the script to a file and either run it from the (command line) or run the script in HFSS by clicking Tools → HFSS in the GUI.

Creating a New Project

Create a new project; this is the base for many scripts from the command line. If you would rather open an existing script, see Opening an Existing Project.

"""Create a new project"""
import ScriptEnv
oProject = oDesktop.NewProject()

Opening an Existing Project

Often you’ll want to open an existing project (e.g., a template file) and make changes to it. The following script can open a project in HFSS.


For this script to work for you, you will need to change line 5 to open a project that exists on your computer.

"""Open an existing project"""
import ScriptEnv


The rest of the code samples requires the file AntennaTemplate to be on your desktop in order tok run. You can download it and save it to your desktop, and the following examples will “just work.”

Changing a setup frequency and sweep frequency


This script requires that you have AntennaTemplate.aedt on your desktop.

""""Change sweep solution frequency and a sweep frequency"""
# Locate the project file on your desktop
# These three lines are just plain Python, and have *nothing* to do with HFSS.
import os
project_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop')
project_file = os.path.join(project_file, 'AntennaTemplate.aedt')
import ScriptEnv

oProject = oDesktop.SetActiveProject("AntennaTemplate")
oDesign = oProject.SetActiveDesign("HFSSDesign1")
oDesign.ChangeProperty(["NAME:AllTabs", ["NAME:HfssTab", ["NAME:PropServers", "AnalysisSetup:Setup8"],
            ["NAME:ChangedProps", [ "NAME:Solution Freq", "MustBeInt:=", False, "Value:=", "500MHz"]]]])
oDesign.ChangeProperty([ "NAME:AllTabs", ["NAME:HfssTab", ["NAME:PropServers", "AnalysisSetup:Setup8:Sweep1"],
            ["NAME:ChangedProps", [ "NAME:Start", "MustBeInt:=", False, "Value:=", "460MHz"]]]])
oDesign.ChangeProperty([ "NAME:AllTabs", [ "NAME:HfssTab", [ "NAME:PropServers", "AnalysisSetup:Setup8:Sweep1" ],
            [ "NAME:ChangedProps", [ "NAME: Stop", "MustBeInt:=", False, "Value:=", "540MHz"]]]])

This script changes Setup8‘s solution frequency to 500 MHz, and changes Sweep1’s start frequency to 460 MHz and stop frequency to 540 MHz. But it also does something a little more: it uses some normal Python functions to find your desktop and open the file there. This makes the script much more powerful; as long as you have the AntennaTemplate project on your desktop, this script will run. Being able to use generic Python functions makes scripting HFSS very powerful. This script uses the os module; you can check out its docs if you want to.

Changing a Design Property


This script requires that you have AntennaTemplate.aedt on your desktop.

This script will open the AntennaTemplate project and change the variable ws to the value 2mm.

""""Change a design property."""
# Locate the project file on your desktop
# These three lines are just plain Python, and have *nothing* to do with HFSS.
import os
project_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop')
project_file = os.path.join(project_file, 'AntennaTemplate.aedt')
import ScriptEnv

oProject = oDesktop.SetActiveProject("AntennaTemplate")
oDesign = oProject.SetActiveDesign("HFSSDesign1")
oDesign.ChangeProperty(["NAME:AllTabs", ["NAME:LocalVariableTab", ["NAME:PropServers", "LocalVariables"],
            ["NAME:ChangedProps", ["NAME:ws", "Value:=", "2mm"]]]])