Installing Client Programs¶
The radar can be controlled without installing anything on your computer. However, in order to save the data (which is important, of course!) you must install software on your computer for viewing and saving the data. The process is different for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Some of the Python dependencies
- Install Nanomsg binaries:
From Christoph Gohlke’s Website, install the following packages, for the version of Python you have installed:
- numpy
- scipy
- cartopy
- shapely
Everything else can be installed via pip. In the software directory of the wni
repository, run pip install -e '.[client]'
Make sure this is the pip assoicated with
the correct version of Python.
The radar software can be installed on Mac using HomeBrew
Assuming HomeBrew is installed and configured correctly, the following should install everything correctly:
brew install python
brew install jupyter
brew install geos
brew install proj
brew install nanomsg
python3 -m pip install pillow
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
python3 -m pip install scipy
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libnanomsg.dylib /usr/local/lib/
Special care has to be taken to install the Python bindings for nanomsg; it needs to be installed from source, because some features have not been released to PyPI yet.
cd ~
git clone
cd nanomsg-python
git checkout 9417ffc03742af404d7f093da26a5a539d3c395a # version in master is broken
python3 -m pip install .
Finally, navigate to the sw
directory inside the WNI repository, and
install it:
python3 -m pip install -e '.[client]'