Source code for wni.actuator

"""Control the actuator from Python!  Wow."""

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import struct
import sys

import nanomsg

import wni.config as config
from wni.util import setter

[docs]class Actuator(object): """Control Firgelli USB from Microzed Call Actuator.position to get the position reported by the actuator directly, or Actuator.cached_position to get the cached position. It takes about 100 ms to talk to the hardware, so the caching is necessary. """ ID_VENDOR = 1240 ID_PRODUCT = 64607 ACCURACY = 20 EXTEND_LIMIT = 200 RETRACT_LIMIT = 150 SPEED = 100 def __init__(self, idVendor=ID_VENDOR, idProduct=ID_PRODUCT): import usb.core import usb.util = usb.core.find(idVendor=idVendor, idProduct=idProduct) if is None: msg = ('Could not find USB device with vendor id {}, product id {}' .format(idVendor, idProduct)) raise ValueError(msg) cfg = intf = cfg[0,0] matcher = lambda e: usb.util.endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == usb.util.ENDPOINT_IN self.endpoint_in = usb.util.find_descriptor( intf, custom_match=matcher ) self.set_defaults() self.cached_position = self.position
[docs] def write(self, addr, value): addr = struct.pack('B', addr) if value is not None: value = struct.pack('H', value) else: value = b'' msg = addr + value, msg)
@property def position(self): while True: self.write(0x10, None) ret = self._read_current_value() if ret[0] == 0x10: self.cached_position = struct.unpack('H', struct.pack('BB', ret[1], ret[2]))[0] return self.cached_position @position.setter def position(self, pos): """Set position from 0-1023""" self.write(0x20, pos) # this is a little fishy... we'll assume that the actuator gets # _exactly to the position we asked for. It almost definitely doesn't self.cached_position = pos @property def accuracy(self, acc): return self._accuracy @accuracy.setter def accuracy(self, acc): """Sets accuracy between 0-1023; smaller is more accurate.""" self.write(0x01, acc) self._accuracy = acc @setter def retract_limit(self, limit): """Sets retraction limit between 0-1023; larger is more extended""" self.write(0x02, limit) @setter def extend_limit(self, limit): """Sets extension limit between 0-1023; larger is more extended.""" self.write(0x03, limit) @property def speed(self): return self._speed @speed.setter def speed(self, value): """Sets the max speed the actuator can make outside of stall conditions""" self.write(0x21, value) self._speed = value def _read_current_value(self): return
[docs] def get_feedbacks(self, n): return [self.get_feedback() for _ in range(n)]
[docs] def set_defaults(self): self.accuracy = self.ACCURACY self.extend_limit = self.EXTEND_LIMIT self.retract_limit = self.RETRACT_LIMIT self.speed = self.SPEED
# self.position = self.position
[docs]class FakeActuator(object): ACCURACY = Actuator.ACCURACY EXTEND_LIMIT = Actuator.EXTEND_LIMIT RETRACT_LIMIT = Actuator.RETRACT_LIMIT SPEED = Actuator.SPEED def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.position = 200 self.cached_position = 200
if __name__ == '__main__': act = Actuator() print('an actuator has been instantiated as "act". Go crazy.')