Atmospheric Radar Research Center (ARRC)

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Efficient Ways to Learn Weather Radar Polarimetry


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Yeary, M., T.-Y. Yu, R. Palmer, H. Monroy, I. Ruin, G. Zhang, P. Chilson, M. Biggerstaff, C. Weiss, K. Mitchell, and L. D. Fink, “Working together for better student learning: A multi-university, multi-federal partner program for asynchronous learning module development for radar based remote sensing systems”, IEEE Trans. Education, accepted and to appear, 2010

Yeary, M., R. Palmer, T.-Y. Yu, K. Kloesel, K. Johnson, M. Biggerstaff, P. Chilson, and G. Zhang, “A Progress Report on a Hands-On Interdisciplinary Program for Severe Weather and Next-Generation Multi-Function Radar”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, pp.1-18, Session 1809. Pittsburg, PA. June 2008

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